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Absowebly Software as a Service Solutions for Business

Our 10 years investment in portable fully customised business web software is giving Absowebly a cutting edge on the market.

As we deployed GDPR changes to our software solutions in the first part of 2018, we realised how powerful and neat our Apsowebly software development platform has become.

We know we can now deliver software for all kinds of business processes that is efficient for you and allows for integration with other systems.


These are the types of web software solutions we currently provide:

  • Websites - Content Management Systems (CMS) with website design and development only
  • Display Campaigns Planner - aid tool that allows to translate ideas into ready for production ad sets for online display campaigns
  • Website with Customer Management Support - E-commerce or Lead Generators
  • Multi website systems - Comprehensive Custom Web Content Management Solutions (for example: regionalise content, non-templated solutions with advanced SEO and online marketing management toolkit)
  • Operational Business Management Web Systems
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Platforms
  • Product and Asset Management Solutions (Stock Control, Delivery Monitoring, Process Control)
  • Comprehensive Business Performance Reporting Modules
  • and many more


Software as a Service (SaaS) licence means that we can deliver all these software variations and customisations with a clear split between your data and our Intellectual Property rights to the software. We can establish full contractual processes including Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Software Escrow Services using verified third parties that are used in public organisation tendering processes. All to maximise your and our business security, but at the same time to make sure we are flexible and capable of quickly reacting to changes in legal, technical and behavioural environments of the third decade of the 21st century.


The three main platforms that are used currently to develop and deploy your business projects are:


Apsowebly - Web Software Development Platform - Absowebly's Closed Source Software based on the most popular web technology stack - open source LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). It creates development backbone for all your business software solutions that are developed by Absowebly. We can quickly deploy some existing modules or build your customised elements on the top of the platform.

Sendgy -E-marketing Executive Suite that allows you to deploy your online marketing campaigns and communicate through mass email with your customers. It uses internationally recognised and verified email processing providers to allow for high deliverability of your messages.

IMG4ad - online campaign ideas composer that allows you to compose ready for production custom campaigns without in-house design and planning skills.

To get Absowebly SaaS solutions for your business contact us today


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